
Agro Firm Launches Processed Beans


An Agro-allied firm, Tiger Foods Nigeria, has launched processed and packaged beans as its latest food product.


The brand, known for producing spices and seasonings, announced their new product in a statement made available to News Diet on Thursday.


The newly introduced product is processed, sorted, and packaged beans free of sand, stone, and insecticide residue.


They are available in 500g, 1kg and 4kg pack sizes.


“Three years ago, we had a visitor from the United States of America who came to purchase dried onions and shallots from us. After the tour of our facility, he was impressed with our modern equipment and the knowledge about food processing that we shared with him. He left us with one important request: beans,” said Mr Don.


“His major problems with the beans he sources from Nigeria were stones and insecticide residues. He wanted us to package beans that will stand the test of the American Food & Drug Agency.”


By introducing this product, Tiger Foods tackles what has for decades been a major challenge with the sales of beans locally and its exportation. To celebrate the launching of the product, Tiger Farms Limited, a Tiger Foods subsidiary, is offering its customers 5,000 free packs of Tiger Beans. They noted that it was their way of saying thank you to the customers and public for believing in their products. Their social media pages have information on the precise locations and offices where you can walk in to pick up a free pack.



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