Women’s International Shipping and Trading Association (WISTA) Nigeria joined in the celebration of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Day for Women in Maritime, celebrated annually on May 18th.
The President of WISTA Nigeria, Diamond (Mrs.) Eunice Ezeoke harped on this celebration in a press statement issued today and obtained by News Diet correspondent.
Ezeoke stated that the theme for this year’s celebration: “Mobilizing Networks For Gender Equality” is key for women to thrive and survive in the Maritime industry.
“Women in maritime should be availed the same networks in the industry like their male counterparts and should be given the avenue to soar. They should have equal opportunities to maximize their potentials in a bid to impact positively on the industry globally and especially here in Nigeria”
“WISTA Nigeria joins the rest of the world in lending her voice to gender equality in the maritime industry both at sea and at shore for a decarbonised and digitalised transition in a bid to meet global trends, increase capacity, efficiency, and performance in the industry”, she emphasizes.
She, however, applauded the recent efforts of the Federal Ministry of Transport in bringing together the various Women Maritime Networks in Nigeria in a bid to collaborate and network with one another under one umbrella body tagged , “Women In Maritime Network”.
Ezeoke expressed optimism that this will create synergy and a good working relationship amongst these associations with key stakeholders in the industry, with the government at all levels, and ultimately with themselves.
Recall that IMO first established the International Day for Women in Maritime in 2021 to celebrate women in the industry and promote the recruitment, retention, and sustained employment of women in the maritime sector, raise the profile of women in maritime, strengthen and IMO’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable in which WISTA Nigeria is aligned to through its International body- WISTA International.