In a bid to promote diversity and equality in Nigerian downstream work environs, the ongoing 17th OTL Africa Downstream Energy Week provided an ample platform to address challenges in human capital and crucial roles of Human Resource professionals.
Speaking at one of the panel sessions themed: “The strategic role of HR in driving organizational growth and developing sustainable talent, A female perspective”, the General Manager, Group HR at Sahara Energy, Ivie Imasogie-Adigun advised women to be more concerned about their deliverables in the workplace than being liked by their bosses.
Her words: “Most women just want to be liked, but I am more concerned about people liking my work. So, I’m more focused on doing good work, even though I am a woman.”
She equally admonished oil and gas Chief Executives and their HR professionals to treat colleagues and members of staff right; so they won’t use office internet to search for new jobs.
On her part, the Director, Academy WIEN/ Principal Partner Lonadek, Ibilola Amao stressed that diversity is everyone’s business even as she encouraged men to support women in energy.
“The essence of including this discourse is to drive the need for synergy and that is why we have synergy enshrined in the theme of 2023 OTL Africa Downstream Energy Week,” Ibilola Amao said.
Meanwhile, Ibiene Okeleke, Board Secretary of WIEN and MD of ETC, opined that the ‘Japa Syndrome’ underscores the need for companies to listen to the unspoken concerns of their employees, adding that understanding their employees’ needs and countenances can lead to a more supportive and productive work environment.
Okeleke also elucidated on the importance of mentorship and leadership development processes in equipping workers with essential skills and job satisfaction, even as she stressed the need for leadership in energy organizations to be actively engaged in fight against women discrimination at the workplace.
Also speaking, the Chief Executive Officer of Contigo Servo, Nnoli Akpedeye maintained that if employees are happy and motivated, they will be very productive.
“Gen-Z women want their men to be involved in child nurturing, and the men are willing but the Nigerian labour law doesn’t allow for paternity leave to avail men that opportunity” Akpedeye stated.